

This is an entry after about several weeks absent from blogging. I have been dragged by laziness and lack of vigor to write something. After all, everything happens so fast that putting it into history is overwhelming than putting it just in memory. Unfortunately, memory selects only those it does not want to forget. Anyway, as an examination of myself after a long hiatus, I am once again trying to be pure before the Lord. I have confessed especially that I am turning 24 in a few days. I have been aloof with my close friends. And I want it that way, unless they need me. I want more of me-time. I want to tell myself that I become envious of my friends when I become familiar or too close to them. As a progress, I will be working on my self this week… and hopefully the rest of the year. The priest told me, to grab the opportunity to grow. So be it. So help me God.